Bandura Playing Stand - Made in Canada


The bandura System has developed and manufacturers their own playing stand.   A copy right on the design is pending.

See our You Tube Video

Bandura Playing Stand Video

About the Stand

The stand is simple to put together - only two pieces which are bolted together with four wing nuts.

The cradle is rubber lined to protect the bandura from scratching and keep it in place. 

The legs are arranged in a tripod configuration with rubber stoppers for extra grip.

The adjustable height from floor.

* Lowest position 28 in. [710 mm]

* Highest position 43 in. [1090 mm]

Benefits of the Stand

The benefits of this playing stand includes:

* Reducing back strain.

* Improve core body strength.

* Improved stage presence.

These stands allow the musician to play in the high sitting or standing position to reduce back strain.

The playing stand is used by bandurists  in Ukraine to increase their stage presence.    This lightweight  stand can be folded flat and compact for transport. 


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